I have two more weeks of school before fall semester is over. I think I'm going to get A's in both classes....pretty sure at least. I'm still waiting on word from my teacher on my latest essay on bioengineering. She takes forever to give us our grades! I took exam #2 last Wednesday in Nutrition and Diet Therapy, and I'm confident I got an A. It was easy peasy lemon squeezy! I owe it all to acrostics. Acrostics really work! Trudy Nudy never needs Nancy O'Blancy eating gooseberry jam. Can Roger clean Fido's cruddy dog dish if Ida Irwin is in Raft River, Idaho? Nancy Jonas always eats fish, but Patty eats a hamburger hurriedly every Monday. I know!! Cleaver girl! What does it mean? Don't ask...I don't remember. I remember the acrostics, but not the things the acrostics represented. One of them is the clinical symptoms of liver cirrossis. I remembered long enough to take the test though, so....at least there's that! I've worked really hard on both classes. If I'd known I wouldn't be working by now, I would have taken more of them...but what ya gonna do? In spite of accidentally sleeping through my priority registration (WHOOPS
!), I was able to get the classes I wanted for the spring semester. My priority was from 7-9am. Think I woke up at 9:05. I don't usually sleep that late anymore either! When I tried at 9:10, they'd locked me out of registration until 7pm that night. I was sure I would never get the classes I wanted.....another opportunity for me to trust God. I get a lot of those! I'll be taking a history class, and a humanities class. What the heck is humanities? The study of humans? Humans and manatees? I really don't know. The humanities class is a two-fer, so it will count for two classes on my record. That's really cool!

I've been busy knitting, crocheting, and other crafting-type business. Not very satisfied with the knitting and crocheting though....guess I'm a bit of a yarn snob. No...I am
positively certain I'm a yarn snob. The stuff at Michael's and Joann's doesn't do it for me. I wind up pulling it all out cause it looks cheap. I'm getting some good practice though. I finally made the strawberry pincushion. Holy cow, it was cute!!! I gave it to Mom so she could take it as a gift to her small quilting group's Christmas pa
rty this week. She was so appreciative! Made me feel good to do something for her for a change. The pictures I took of it really doesn't do it justice. I need a new camera. It is a deeper, richer red, kinda like a cranberry. The stitching detail really doesn't show up well in the photos either. Now that I've made one, it will not be my last. Got to get my hands on some more velvet. I am also currently working on some adorable baby booties. I'd like to get good enough to have my own ETSY account and sell something I make. I've tried this pattern before, and wou
nd up with something that looks custom-made for a deformed baby's foot. Oh...sad....deformed baby feet. Anyway, I'm not going to let the pattern get the best of me! I'll keep you posted! Hey...that's funny! Get it? Posted.....on my blog?? Ok...that was random! Man, am I tired!
Thinking about all of you, especially this time of year, and just praising God that he's given me such wonderful friends and family!
Here's a bit of my favorite comic Brian Regan....
And it just wouldn't be Christmas without the soft glow of electric *bleep* glowing in the window....
Lastly....The Manualist plays "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"..........
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