Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day two...

Happy to report today was better than yesterday. Today was my first anatomy lab. 7:30am. Parking is better at that hour. :) Yesterday I had to park in Petaluma. Ok....a slight fabrication. Felt like it though. I wasn't late, but all the seats were taken by the time I got to class, so I got to stand for the first class. I'm liking the feel of the lab better than lecture. It's a much smaller group of people, which is less intimidating. Our lab instructor, Nick, seems like a really cool guy! So does Pete, his teacher's aide. Nick was way more positive than Dr. Wilson the day before. She gives the lectures. I felt really discouraged after her talk. What a negative woman! Made me question whether I'm going into the right field or not. Who is she to harsh my mellow? rain on my parade? hmmm...out of cliches..............

In the lab, there are 6 lab stations. Mine was with 3 other women...all super nice! We exchanged info with each other so we can study together. Nice to make some connections. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm determined to do well!

My complaint of the day is my back and shoulders. I'm carrying so much book weight in my backpack, that it's taking a toll. Actually broke some skin on my shoulder. I WILL be buying a backpack with roller wheels. Either that, or I'm rigging Chris's skateboard up. Think he'd go for it? I can hear him....Mom, you are sooo weird!

I decided that I would spend my afternoons in the Doyle library and do my homework in there. It's quiet. It has free wifi. The tutorial center is right there. Only problem with it that I've noticed is it's so quiet, I get sleepy. Oh yeah...iced coffee on level 2. :D Problem solved! I have this awesome new netbook now, so I can stay connected to you know who. So cool!

I like my algebra instructor. She's adorable. Couldn't be more than 25. She has a very different teaching style from my last teacher, so I'm hopeful this time. She also says that she calls on us, so that will keep me focused. Let's face it, I'm never going to be a math teacher. That would be disastrous for everyone involved. I just want to understand it better before I move forward with Chemistry. Oh yeah....and that kid over in the corner glaring at me?...that's Aaron. I'm not high on his list of favorite people....ever since I made him lose his recess time in 6th grade. Haven't got a clue what he did either....must have been bad if I went that far. Maybe I'll torture him tomorrow and plunk myself down right next to him...good idea?? Thought so...