Monday, July 21, 2008

Hello all..........

How are we today? I am good. Not great, but certainly not bad....just good. That's ok. Some of you know that I applied for a office job with the county. Well, they email me back with a "Based on your application, you have qualified for testing.....yada...yada.." So next Wednesday, I have to go to Petaluma for said testing. 8:30am. I was feeling really excited about it until a friend of my son's, who's parents both work for the county told me that it took 5 months from testing for his mom to secure her job there. I truly hope that is not the case for me! I can't wait 5 months! I have a kid in private school! Pray for me please!!!

I realize I need to not put all of my eggs in one basket, however, so I will be venturing out more to do so. It's been hard with day camp and all. I'm starting with Kaiser. I visited my doctor last week to have her check under the hood before I lose my benefits. I told her my current current pain in my left shoulder hair loss....etc. She said "You're stressed out!" Thank you Captain Obvious! No...I didn't actually say that....cause I like the woman! She is so awesome! I thought about it though! Anyway, she told me where to go to get to the Kaiser business office, and was very encouraging about it. So...I will try. I realize I should be moving faster, but I can only cope with small steps I'm afraid. It will be ok......

On another note, did you know that there are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie box? Just thought you'd want to know.....

Thirdly, (I know....brilliant segway Kate) my garden is doing well, in spite of our odd weather this summer. Is it going to be hot? Is it going to be cold? Who the heck knows!? Yes, I realize it is slightly sad that my photography these days revolve around vegetables, but they are so neato! And I grew them myself! I made the most awesome tomato basil soup with my basil and zucchini. I know! Rachel Ray watch out! Let me know if you'd like the recipe....

Have a wonderful evening! I'm on vacation for two days! Whoo-Hoo!


PattyAnn said...

Hey Katy-
What I'm being told is that there are TONS of searchers and FEW jobs, so my strategy is to blanket the market. Maybe you should register with one of the recruitment firms. If you like, I'll give you the name of the lady who was so nice and helpful to me, but not the one who was so condescending ("Well, you don't have a 4-year degree, you know." Really, I didn't know that. Duh! I did say "Yes, but I have over 30 years business management experience, and I am certified for Resource Development, and that ought to count for something.") Anyway, let me know if you want it. It is discouraging, though, isn't it? Keep your spirits up. I know that God already knows what will happen; I just want him to tell me NOW - NOW - NOW. Breathe, Patty, breathe. Talk to you soon. P-