Last night was the FDNT class, which stands for nutrition and diet therapy. How come it isn't NTDT then? Just wondering...Anyway, my teacher is a nutritionist at Sutter. Nice mellow fellow. He doesn't care if we eat....he doesn't care if we drink....we can sit in the back and text on our cellphones if we want...he doesn't care. Do I need to come to class at all then?? Oh, and another thing, Mr. Nutritionist is a big ol' fat guy. Kind of hurts his credibility when it comes to this subject doesn't it? Guess he REALLY enjoys nutrition. So far I think it's going to be easy peasy...
Here's a coincidence for you. My very first boss...I'm talking high school at Mount Gilead...she's taking the class too. It was really nice to see her. We kind of recognized each other at the same time. It will be nice to know someone in the class.
Anywho....not much happening on the job front. I was warned that I may not get called about an interview with the county until September because the Governator can't get a budget passed. I spent a very long time exploring the Kaiser job listings. Apparently the only thing I have a shot at there is in the cafeteria. I'm bummed about that! I also was contacted by a company that wants me to be an insurance salesman to the elderly. thank you! The hunt continues!
I have been having really bizarre dreams lately. I told a couple of you, but I'll tell the rest... I dreamt that I was in the bathroom next to the school office of the small elementary school I went to as a kid. Mom was the school secretary. I spent many a summer being bored out of my skull there. I know that place like the back of my hand (which, by the way, is a really weird thing to say! Do people really spend a lot of time staring at the back of their hands??....getting off the subject....). Anyway, so I go into the bathroom and go into one of the stalls. Then I notice that all around me are loaves of bread....different kinds.....and huge sizes. Then Greg Seeger (one of the teachers at RVCS, the school I have worked at for the last 8 years) comes in and gets in the stall next to me. We proceed to have a conversation about the unusually large slices of bread that surround us. I'm not disturbed by a man being in the stall next to me. He is completely at ease as well. Weird! That's my's it.....anyone care to take a crack at translating it?
I'm unusual....I realize....
Have an awesome day!